WARNING: This blog contains random thoughts on technology, software engineering, and general all-round nerdery. Read at your own risk. Nerd is contagious.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

iPhone-ay DK-Say ?

Last month, Todd and I presented AIM for iPhone. In about 2 weeks of development, we had a working prototype of the application that we got the opportunity to present at the Apple SDK announcement. It was great fun being there and working with the Apple folks!

I can't say much more about it - but the end result is that we managed to pull off a prototype in 2 weeks of development using a platform that we had never seen before! The project would not have happened without Todd. As I'd mentioned in our presentation, I'd never done Mac development before, and Todd hadn't used the WIM api heavily before, so our combined skill-sets complemented each other beautifully.

Being up on stage was extremely exciting for us - we got to briefly meet Steve Jobs after the announcement was over, which was the topper for the whole experience!

So what now? Well, Todd and I love working on the iPhone, but we have day jobs as well, so it will be interesting to balance the two and get AIM out in time for the opening of the App Store!

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

AOL shows awesome mail app written in Silverlight at Mix '08

The first team I joined at AOL was the client mail team. That team and the awesomely talented engineers there have been working with Microsoft to build an extremely powerful version of AOL's webmail product that uses a lot of intelligent caching and rich UI dynamics to bring a fresh new look to what is traditionally a very boring experience (mail in general).

Here's an interview with Roy Ben-Yoseph and Eric Hoffman about their experience in building the app. Eric was my manager on the client mail team, it's awesome to see what they were able to create in just a few months!

Congratulations Eric and Roy!

(AHA! And you were surreptitiously asked to install Silverlight on your machine too!)


Saturday, March 08, 2008

I presented AIM for iPhone at the Apple SDK launch!

Check out the video of the Apple iPhone Enterprise + SDK announcement.


Lots of great teams presented at the iPhone launch, and it's too much to talk about here, but AOL/AIM/yours truly is about 53 minutes into the preso. Check it out!